Brief Interventions

do-something-todayI offer brief interventions to individuals, families including adolescents, who are predisposed to risky use of addictive substances, but do not meet clinical criteria for addiction. I aim to help individuals reduce their risky use of substances by providing feedback about the extent and effects of their substance use, enhancing motivation to change their behaviour offering suggestions about how they can change their behaviour and providing psyco-education.

This short-term work does not only involve the assessment and clarification of ‘the problem’ but I will provide you with recommendations about treatment options and create a treatment plan with
you. Often I will see the client for a period, ranging from one to three months, on a weekly basis, providing the care that is necessary for the problem presented. If it unfolds that ‘other’ interventions are required I will certainly recommend and refer you to the appropriate services required, depending on your unique needs’.
