Addiction counselling benefits

Who would benefit from addiction counselling?

23-tinyPeople who would benefit from the specialised skill of an addiction counsellor are likely to be those directly affected by the impact of a behaviour or substance that has caused them harm or distress irrespective of the amount, frequency of (or not) usage currently or in the past. Some people may have stopped their alcohol or drug use for years but are still unhappy or discontent. They may be or are carrying the effects of the past with them, and are seeking to recover from earlier problematic or traumatic situations in their lives.

Other individuals who would benefit would be those who may be directly or indirectly affected by the damaging behaviours of somebody they care about or work with.

It aims to facilitate change in the following way:

  • Abstinence and the maintenance thereof;
  • To strengthen self-worth;
  • To become responsible and compliant with treatment goals;
  • To find positive ways to manage stressful events and emotions;
  • To learn how to respond to substance and behavioural triggers;
  • Develop resources to sustain a qualitative recovery – life skills development and amplifying intrapersonal strengths;
  • To develop practical skills to deal with cravings;
  • To assist the individual with rebuilding trusting relationships;
  • To help identify feelings and find healthy effective ways of expression/communication;
  • Re-integration into the community and other support groups;

Addiction therapist Cape Town

I offer private addiction counselling services in Wynberg and Noordhoek, Cape Town. Please contact me if you would like to make an appointment.
